Formulação de cremes hidratantes à base de produtos naturais
The present study aimed to formulate moisturizing creams containing natural products such as chia extract (Salvia hispanica), xanthan gum, Aloe vera and pequi oil (Caryocar brasiliense camb) and evaluate their properties and stability. The production of moisturizing creams followed a methodology of gradual replacement of traditional chemical components with natural alternatives. The results showed that xanthan gum and pequi oil performed satisfactorily from the first replacements, ensuring good homogeneity, stability, spreadability and absorption of the cream. However, chia extract had a negative impact on the properties of the cosmetic emulsion, affecting the color, aroma and stability of the formulations, requiring adjustments in concentration. The creams produced had pH values that varied from 3.68 to 5.94, with the majority of formulations remaining within the standards established by legislation. Stability tests following the ANVISA Cosmetic Products Quality Control Guide were carried out, where the creams underwent 90 days of analysis, enabling good results to be obtained for the formulated products.
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