Impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil sobre a ocorrência de surtos alimentares em domicílios: uma análise dos casos relacionados ao consumo de produtos de origem animal

Isabella Araújo de Oliveira, Eva Emília dos Santos, Gustavo Lucas Costa Valente

  • Gustavo Lucas Costa Valente Unifenas
  • Isabella Araújo de Oliveira
  • Eva Emília dos Santos


Introduction: The consumption of animal-based products can cause foodborne outbreaks, exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic by the increase in home food preparation. Objective: To evaluate the impact of social isolation on outbreaks related to the consumption of animal-based products (ABP). Methodology: Outbreak data from 2008 to 2021 were analyzed, focusing on ABP outbreaks in the first year of the pandemic, comparing household and non-household outbreaks from previous years. Results: Household outbreaks were associated with the consumption of milk, meat, and fish, with difficulties in identifying etiological agents during the pandemic. In 2020, the total number of outbreaks likely decreased due to underreporting. Conclusion: The data obtained during the pandemic may have been influenced by underreporting or by consumers spending more time at home.
