Impactos da Inteligência Artificial no Diagnóstico Precoce do Câncer: Uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura
Ezequiel Almeida Barros, Daniel Ferreira dos Santos, Karolaine Laiane Lima Coelho, Italo Hugo Almeida Antero, Eduardo Araujo Santana, Danyelle Carneiro de Souza Cavalcante, Lucas Bragagnolo Lima, Marcela de Maria Pereira Teixeira
Objective: to analyze the impacts of the use of artificial intelligence in the early diagnosis of cancer. Materials and Methods: Integrative literature review, carried out between July and August 2024 in the following databases: BDENF, MEDLINE, LILACS, and SCIENCE DIRECT, using the descriptors: “Cancer”, “Artificial Intelligence”, and “Early Diagnosis”. Data were collected with the aid of Rayyan software and extracted with a specific instrument. The results were assessed for the level of evidence and methodological rigor. After categorizing the studies, the data were synthesized in a table for descriptive analysis. Results: Seven articles were included in the final sample. The results of this integrative review highlight the growing relevance of AI in improving early diagnosis and cancer management. The integration of tools such as Health Connect, ENdoscopy as AI-powered Device Computer Aided Diagnosis for Gastroscopy, cervical cancer screening and automation of lung nodule detection and Automated Visual Evaluation shows the potential of AI to transform clinical practice. Final Considerations: For future research, it is essential to explore the continued integration of AI in real clinical settings, evaluating the effectiveness of the tools in different populations and conditions.
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